...to diaper bombs. how st. patrick's day has changed for kevin!
violet was certainly in the spirit as if she'd had one too many:
or two too many:
or three:
over the legal limit!
thanks to grandma linden for all the st. patty's day gear!
in other news, we finally found a hit with sweet potatoes, and violet has been pounding them all week. sitting in an actual seat for a meal is not a hit, so i don some raggedy clothes and hold her over the counter while we rotate through two or three spoons. poor kevin has had to work late all week, but maybe it's for the best since the sweet potato massacre is hard on his neat freak ways:
Ha! Love it. The messes from eating still give me the willies... especially when they have something brightly colored (like sweet potatoes) all over their hands and they stick it in their hair or their ears. *shiver*