Friday, August 5, 2011

dogs rule, people drool

we've been hyping how to wave pretty hard around the lynn house, and violet has started to catch on. she sometimes accompanies her wave with what i'm pretty sure is "hiiiiii." the problem is that we've been using the dogs to practice, and now she thinks that waving is meant for dogs. i took her for a walk last night, and we passed at least a half dozen dogs - she waved at every one! a nice old dogless lady saw violet enthusiastically waving at a giant white labradoodle and thought it was adorable (of course). i tried hard to get violet to wave at her, but violet just stared, arms limp. our daughter clearly prefers dogs to people, which may not be that surprising considering that we prefer dogs to a lot of people too.

however violet did wave bye bye to dada this morning, so he's definitely at the top of her favorite people list. or maybe he's just that scruffy.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD. I cannot believe how cute the waving is.

    The fact that she waves almost exclusively at dogs is hysterical. I love it.
