Thursday, April 12, 2012

wah! chah! moh!

violet is putting more and more words together, conveniently just in time to demand more chocolate. which apparently is like speed for babies. i'll get to that in a minute.

this talking in "sentences" thing is as incredible as it is adorable. violet is drunk with the power. her first one -- "park, go!" -- occurred precisely one day before her 18-month check-up. (fodder for another post, but the lightweight champ is undertipping the scales at 19 lbs flat despite cheese binges to put pierres everywhere to shame.) regarding my personal favorite among the first "sentences," i do this thing where i tickle her and swing her around while saying "mama attack!" and the other day she goes, "mama, tack!" i was like, what? you want the mama attack? and she goes "yeah!" and so mama attacked for more giggles. happiness (mine) is an understatement. for the record, her most popular phrases are: "nana. house. go!"; "vivi. choo choo. ride!"; "all done car!"; and of course "want ama!"

which brings us to easter. we're not celebrating with my family until saturday due to scheduling conflicts, so on actual easter, we did a little practice egg hunt to prepare violet for the more extravagant affair at nana's house. violet caught on quickly to the game, and as i couldn't stop myself from including a couple pieces of chocolate (thanks to my own fond -- like very very fond -- memories of egg hunt booty), violet caught on even more quickly to the opportunity to score goodies.

she climbed herself up into a lawn chair and enjoyed her spoils.

which brings us, of course, to "wah! chah! moh!"

evidently i've developed immunity to the relatively low caffeine content of my dark chocolate (perhaps since i eat it everyday?) because i honestly didn't think it would impact her. let's just say i hope our accountant never makes that kind of miscalculation. somehow we managed to get to a local restaurant/bar to meet friends for dinner before the sugar hit. here's the one-second calm before the clouds opened up:

there's not much to tell really. i spent most of the meal outside, with violet doing sprints up and down the sidewalk, whirling in circles, and giggling and shrieking maniacally. there weren't any repercussions, except that her younger buddy jack -- a newly minted walker -- took a header trying to "run" with her. i'm sure his parents just told everyone he'd been in a bar fight, because that's what celebs do in the outlying valley.

from this blog you'd think that violet's four food groups were ice cream, chocolate, beignets and kit kat, so i feel compelled to state that we do, in fact, feed her food with nutrients. she likes salmon, beans, eggs, berries, apples, sweet potatoes and other members of the superfoods family. when she feels like eating them of course, in typical toddler style. but the girl does love a treat, and thus a big shout out to grandma linden and grandpa chick for the incredibly delicious chocolate cake pops they sent for easter.

violet admired the cuteness of the bunny...

just before she bit its face off.

i let her taste the chick too, and then she reached over and picked up her toothbrush. i swear this wasn't staged.

she alternated between the two until i took away the chick (objection overruled). everything in moderation. although she may give up chocolate until next lent.


  1. Sentences! So awesome! Violet is completely and utterly adorable. I love her smile in the toothbrush photo and that sad look in the last picture is all too familiar to me....

    I have to admit to also forgetting about the effects of dark chocolate - that's what we tend to give Simon, too, with similar consequences (though last night one of the outcomes was that he laughed hysterically and loudly at a talk being given by the dean of the school of philosophy - thankfully, it was supposed to be funny...sort of). It's the price we pay for raising them to have good taste, right?

  2. Chocolate is a superfood too. It has to be.

  3. Well, I can attest that that chocolate did make her the craziest I've ever seen her. Not great timing for a sit down restaurant outing. But at least she had an excuse...Jack didn't. :)
