Monday, June 18, 2012

dada, go werk

violet loves to give kevin the business. let's say i volunteer that we're going to ride the train, yay! "we can all sit together, violet, mama and dada!" about half the time, violet will drop her little choo-chooing arm and turn sullen: "no dada. go werk!" sometimes this plays to kevin's advantage, of course. "dada's going to change your poo poo diaper!" "no dada. go werk!" she's a little slave driver, that one.

on the car ride home the other day, something came up about how the dogs go poo poo outside. violet volunteered, "dada go poo poo ow-syy."

lately violet is obsessed with her three little pigs book. i was recalling the story for her on a walk to the coffee shop, and when i got to the part about how the big bad wolf burns his bottom when he tries to climb down the chimney, violet -- who is really into kisses for boo boos -- suggested, "dada kees bii baa wuf bah-um."

so in the world according to violet, kevin is an ass-kissing workaholic who shits outdoors.

happy father's day!

but on the flip side of the coin, violet reserves her most delighted giggles for kevin. when i pick her up from daycare, she usually gives me a look of desperation and declares "eat!" as if she thinks i'm going to drag her out of there before they dispense the dixie cups of the world's most budget animal crackers. but when kevin walks in the door after work, she breaks out in a grin, sometimes in a peal of delighted laughter.

apparently she wants his haircut too.

many nights, kevin is, in fact, still at "werk" when i'm putting her to bed, and she always asks for him, expecting his goodnight kiss. sometimes, when i explain that he's still at work, she turns forlorn: "no dada werk. ho hows!" she doesn't yet get the distinction between "home" and "house," so she likes to sandwich them together, as if to cover her bases.

on sunday morning kevin's big gift was sleeping in.

as usual, violet and i went to the local farmer's market to do our produce shopping for the week. we spent a long time in the petting zoo, and she was pretty tired by the end. "do you want to go to the park?" i asked, to which she replied, "nooo. wah go ho see dada. ho hows." it's like she knew it was father's day.

we make a lot of these "come home" videos to send to kevin when he's busy werking.

i yuh yoo too, dada.

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