Monday, May 16, 2011

in need of striped pajamas

we've been pretty laissez-faire about babyproofing, and we've never ended up leaving violet in her crib or playpen. usually she just kind of follows us around, stuffing shoes in her mouth (loose ones or the ones on our feet) whenever we need to go about our business. her bedroom has been the only place we'll leave her unsupervised, and i returned from the bathroom the other day to find this:

i probably should have been panicked, but i about died at the cuteness. i mean look at how tiny she is! a little tiny person on two legs! she was pretty proud of herself, as you can see, but if you walk away, she will shriek, in part because she needs help sitting back down onto her cushioned tush, but in larger part because she does not appreciate being caged in. (reminds me of this hilarity, see number four.)

the only "cage" we really use is the baby einstein discovery center (thanks sar!), which we've only recently put into play because violet is finally tall enough to get her toes down. banging on the piano is of course her favorite, my little rachmaninoff... if rachmaninoff had composed baby-friendly jungle beats... which i'm pretty sure he did not.

evidently locking up the baby isn't going to work, so i guess it's time to get serious about locking away our giant bottles of valium, vicodin, and vodka.


  1. yay! she'll be walking in no time. watch out!

  2. Seriously - she's on the move! And yes, the little legs are so adorable :)

  3. do all the babies have some secret meeting where they decide on the agenda? 1. chew on shoes 2. touch toilet 3. drink/tip over dog water

  4. This is seriously the cutest picture ever! Violet is like, "look what i can do!" very proud!
