Friday, July 8, 2011

anniversary present

today is our fourth wedding anniversary, and this morning kevin gave me the perfect gift - a new big bird toy to entertain the munch, who has been increasingly irritable in the car as of late. as you can see, it worked like a charm on our commute:

violet is obsessed with my keys and loudly voices her protest whenever i take them away, so i made a set of her own for whenever a trade is necessary. to kevin's disgust, "violet's keys" are comprised of three keychains that i purchased on a desperate lunchtime run to the university bookstore. i swear i'm not trying to turn her into a trojan fan. but i mean, she COULD get free tuition. a quarter million dollars (at least by 2029) vs. kevin's college pride? is it a trade on par with the key swap? fight on?

happy anniversary, husband. i can't imagine a luckier wife than me.


  1. Oh the keys!! Whenever Johnny sees Grandma, Grandpa or Daddy, the first thing he does is ask for keys. "Keys?" he says so innocently with a smile on his face. Once he has them, it's HELL getting them back. Unfortunately, he only wants the keys that work and knows the difference between fake keys and real ones. Knowledge is power, I suppose...

  2. Congrats, you two! I was just thinking about your wedding recently - about how beautiful it was and how much fun we had at the reception (Simon included).
