Wednesday, December 7, 2011

turkey day

thanks to my sister for the nice thanksgiving day family photo! it's amazing to compare it to last year's. look at the little blob that munch was!

we were too busy playing a game called "violet, don't eat the legos!" to take many pictures this year, but we did snag one of violet's favorite "toy" at nana and poppy's house. can't wait until grandma linden can help to expand her repertoire, which currently includes "pound pound pound," "black key white key" and "vrrrroom."

and we did assemble for a group shot, which never happens. it's a keeper.

more and more everyday, i find myself looking at the pieces of my life - healthy family, hilarious husband, true friends, snuggly mutts, a wide deep couch, a wide cushy bed, a tree-lined street, good coffee, crisp fruit, a warm shower, a pleasant job, the best kid in the world - with wonder. i know the dust bunnies and dog hair are never going to turn into gold, but it's all more happy than i could have asked for anyway.

to add to it all, we're proud new uncle and aunt to baby noah, born strong and squishy on thanksgiving day.

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